
Queen’s International Department of Music is an extraordinary place for holistic music education – for several years, we have trained and inspired generations of young music scholars.

We are more confident than ever in our ability to shape the future of music by discovering and supporting talent wherever it exists, and by attracting exceptional teachers and mentors who spark this talent.

Our ABRSM (Associated Board Royal Schools of Music) UK academy is steeped in tradition, it is one of the most progressive musical institutions in the world and we at Queen’s International encourage our pupils to explore their musical horizons to at least grade 5 of the ABRSM qualifications.

One of the biggest influences with respect to music education is the teacher, and at Queens you will find the very best.

There will, of course, be challenges ahead but our pedagogy and music program have been meticulously designed and developed to equip our students with the tools they will need to succeed in a fast-changing, post-pandemic world.

We also offer singing lessons and teach our students to sight-read and interpret music notation on various instruments such as the piano, guitar, violin, descant recorders, and drums.

Young music learners need imagination, versatility and resilience as never before, and at Queens, various individual talent will be matched to the opportunities and needs of the current era. This information – in addition to our Open Days and the information on our website – gives some insight into our ABRSM program, facilities, and what it is like to study here with us. I hope it will help you decide if Queens could be the right next step for you. If possible, do consider coming to one of our performances, too, so that you can experience our friendly atmosphere in person – we would love to welcome you.